Getting Started

Tradetraks allows interconnectivity to third-party applications through our Web Service API. Third party applications can make GET or POST HTTP requests to API endpoints in order to carry out Create, Read, Update, or Delete operations on the various resources.

In the context of the Tradetraks API, a resource is an independant collection of data comprising of a record type with a collection of fields.

An endpoint performs an action on that resource, such as getting a collection of records from the resource, finding an individual record, saving, deleting, or performing a specialized operation.

Data is sent to the API using the FormData interface. Data is received from the api in the JSON response format, however it can also be configured to provide responses in CSV format.


The Tradetraks API is accessed from the url.

The url structure follows is{resource}/{endpoint}.

In general each resource exposes 5 standard endpoints (listed below), however often resources will have additional endpoints unique to that resource to accomplish a specific action beyond simple CRUD actions. For example, the User resource has the authenticate endpoint, which provides the mechanism for acceping a username and password, and authenticating the user.

In other cases, some resources may NOT have all of the 5 standard endpoints available. Please refer to the API Reference for information on what is available for each specific resource.

Endpoint Description
GET /get Gets a collection of records. A variety of filtering techniques are available.
GET /find Retrieve a single record by id or slug
POST /save Create or update a single record
POST /save-batch Create or update a collection of records in a single request
POSt /delete Delete a single record