
Authentication can be achieved either by sending a user's API key in the header, under the X-Api-Key header.

In cases where you can't set the header (such as direct links to documents), you can pass in a security token using the token query parameter:

GET /api/Equipment/find/12?token=59dh230sdg0h452124245

Finding your API Key

An API key can be obtained by logging into Tradetraks, going to Profile, Account Setings, and scrolling down to the Integrations section.

Using Security Tokens

You can obtain a security token using the UserToken/create endpoint.

When creating a security token, you can set an expiry using expiry_hrs parameter, which will cause the token to expire in the specified number of hours from the time it is created. Whether the token is a nonce (one use token) can be controlled by setting the single_use field to true.